SJMV MAHANTA FIRST GRADE ARTS and COMMERCE COLLEGE was started in 1986 by the renowned Karnataka Prograssive Education Society (KPES) Dharwad. The KPES was founded by the noted legal and literary luminary Dr. G. M. Patil, the leading practitioner of Law, in Dharwad. In 1992 for the better and fair administration the college was handed over to Sri Jagadguru Murugharajendra Vidyapeetha Brihanmath, Chitradurga on the auspicious occasion of His Holiness Shri Mahanth Swamiji’s 80th Birthday Celebration. The college has been renamed as SJMV’s Mahantha 1st Grade Arts & Commerce College during 2006.
From 1992 to 2002 the college was running in the serene, spiritual backdrop of Sri Murugha Math premises. The college came under Grant-in-Aid system from the Government of Karnataka. The College is affiliated to Karnataka University, Dharwad and it imparts higher education in two faculties, namely Arts and Commerce. It is one of the prestigious and premier institutions of Sri Murugharajendra Vidyapeetha.
Due to unavailability circumstances in the year 2002 the college was shifted to more spacious Adarsha Girl’s High School campus, in Raamnagar, Dharwad. There also the student’s strength considerably increased every year. It is a matter of pride and prestige record here that the college is shifted to our newly constricted own building at rayapur in the year 2010. Due to multi range of choice of subject combination, there is lot of attraction and wide scope for students and this helped very much in the increase of admission, year by year and also enabled the students to make choices of their interest out of variety of subjects.

Dr. Sri. Shivamurthy

Prof. S. H. Patel

Dr. M. Rajashekarappa, Principal

Bachelor of Arts
BA or Bachelor of Arts is an undergraduate degree in India conferred for a study program in either social sciences or liberal arts or both. … The Bachelor of Arts or BA is a baccalaureate study program which normally has a duration of three years and this course can be broadly categorized into pass and honors courses.
Bachelor of Commerce
The Bachelor of Commerce degree is designed to provide students with a wide range of managerial skills, while building competence in a particular area of business. Most universities, therefore, plan the degree such that in addition to their major, students are exposed to general business principles, taking courses in accounting, finance, economics, business management, human resources and marketing.